Download Pubg Mobile lite ( 359.4 MB ) - Marwansya Blog

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Download Pubg Mobile lite ( 359.4 MB )

Siapa sih yang tidak kenal dengan pubg, game dengan rating 4,5 yang sudah di download lebih dari 100 juta download.

1,7 GB adalah ukuran yang pantas untuk game Dengan Garafis yang mulus, namum dengan ukuran sebesar ini tidak semua perangkat bisa menjalankan aplikasi ini.

Di tambah lagi versi android yang di butuhkan 5.1 ke atas, dengan minimal Ram 2 Gb, yang tentunya masih menjadi penghalang bagi sebagian perangkat.

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Berikut ini adalah Penjelasan Tentang Pubg Mobile Lite.

PUBG MOBILE LITE is here! Built with Unreal Engine 4, this version of PUBG MOBILE is compatible with even more devices and optimized for devices with less RAM without compromising the gameplay experience that has attracted millions of fans around the world. PUBG MOBILE LITE features a smaller map made for 40 players, which means a faster-paced game that still keeps the traditional PUBG style of play!

40 players parachute onto a graphically rich 2x2 km island for a winner-takes-all showdown. Players have to scavenge for their own weapons, vehicles, and supplies, while battling it out in an ever-shrinking play zone to be the last player standing. Get ready to land, loot, and do whatever it takes to survive.. This Is Battle Royale!

2. High-quality Graphics and HD Audio 
The powerful Unreal Engine 4 creates a jaw-dropping visual experience with stunning detail, realistic gameplay effects and a massive HD map, perfect for Battle Royale. Immerse yourself in the world as you play with high-quality audio and rich 3D sound effects.

3. Realistic Weapons
Choose from a constantly growing arsenal of lethal firearms, melee weapons, and throwables, each with realistic ballistics and travel trajectories, that give you the option to shoot, beat down, or incinerate your adversaries. Oh, and PUBG’s signature pan? We’ve got the pan.

4. Team Up with Friends
Invite and team up with your friends to coordinate your battle plan through voice chat and set up the perfect ambush for your enemies. 

5. Fair Gaming Environment
Powerful anti-cheat mechanisms ensure a fun and fair environment for all PUBG MOBILE LITE players.

Not Just A Game. This Is Battle Royale.

Contact Us
The game is still in beta testing and the gameplay experience may change in the final version. Your progress will be carried over to future beta tests.

If you enjoy the game, please join the discussion on the PUBG MOBILE LITE Official Facebook Group:

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our customer service team at

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